September 26, 2008

I love IPHOTO!

I've been playing around with my iphoto instead of doing anything constructive today. I took photos of my girls this morning (it's picture day) cause I want to see who takes the best ones :) Emma was "nervous" cause it was her "first" picture day - "well at least at school" she said. 

Anyway... I was playing around with their pics and I think I did a pretty good job. What do you think?

Now I must run, my visiting teachers will be here shortly...


Bob Conlon said...

Cute pics!

iPhoto does rule.
Have you tried to make a book or a calendar yet?
Every Christmas I put together a book of the year in photos for my mom. Karissa also makes a calendar of her artwork every year. Last year she made her interpretation of Master Paintings like Monet and Warhol. It was a lot of fun and she learned a lot.

This year she's drawing pictures of dogs doing funny things.

Jan said...

I think you did a great job. They look darling. I hope they smiled big. Visiting teachers :)

Tristan said...

They turned out great!! The girls are just beautiful!

the wrath of khandrea said...

welcome to my life. every time i take pictures, i am totally MIA for the next few hours because i love editing them.

yours came out awesome. your girls are so cute!

Heidi said...

IPhoto? What's that? Is my ignorance showing? My extreme out-of-datedness? The pics are awesome, though. I miss Emma's smile!

Christie said...

I just spent three hours on the computer last night doing the same thing. Yours are lovely. Well done.