I wish I could share the recipe for the Apple Pie Cheesecake. But, alas, I can't. You have to drive up to Apple Hill and go to Kids Inc. But only on the weekends and not after Dec 14. I bet you could order one and maybe they'd ship it to you. It would be worth it. I might go up again in a couple weeks and get a frozen one. They cost $16.50. Worth every penny. We bought 2 and I think the 2nd one is almost gone! If I ever do get the recipe, I promise to share! (If you ever come this way, I'll even go with you!)
November 29, 2008
I wish I had the recipe.......
I wish I could share the recipe for the Apple Pie Cheesecake. But, alas, I can't. You have to drive up to Apple Hill and go to Kids Inc. But only on the weekends and not after Dec 14. I bet you could order one and maybe they'd ship it to you. It would be worth it. I might go up again in a couple weeks and get a frozen one. They cost $16.50. Worth every penny. We bought 2 and I think the 2nd one is almost gone! If I ever do get the recipe, I promise to share! (If you ever come this way, I'll even go with you!)
cleverly written by
9:35 PM
November 28, 2008
Happy Day after
cleverly written by
11:04 AM
November 27, 2008
November 21, 2008
More LA
cleverly written by
12:15 AM
November 14, 2008
Wicked good!
cleverly written by
10:45 PM
November 8, 2008
Wickedly Thankful Weekend
So I didn't post about my many things to be thankful for yesterday. I have a really good excuse. Really I do. I was getting a pedicure (so VERY thankful for finding a really good place with a guy who does a really good massage!!), then I had to get my girls, who were out really early from school and take them out to lunch! (Thankful again, for the modern conveniences of life) Then I had to rush home and pack my bogs to go on a whirlwind trip to L.A. with my oldest girl and my mom! We left at 2:30 that afternoon.
cleverly written by
4:26 PM
November 6, 2008
cleverly written by
10:33 PM
November 5, 2008
Last time, I swear!
My mom forwarded me this message from our Stake Public Affairs guy. He says it all.
Okay...so this will be my final email about Prop 8. With 86% of precincts reporting and a 52-48% lead, I think it's safe to go to bed. Prop 8 prevailed! Two shorts months ago, we trailed by 15% with a small amount of undecided voters. A 20% turnaround -- we were truly part of a miracle. I wanted to thank you for all you did to follow the counsel of the Prophet and the First Presidency. When we were asked in June to devote our best efforts to protecting marriage and supporting Proposition 8, I’m not sure that we envisioned all that we would need to do. Thank you for your best efforts. I was inspired by your faithfulness, especially when I knew that many of you were not comfortable being "politically active". But you did it anyway, because of your faith in and testimony of a living Prophet.
Your sacrifice made the difference -- walking, calling, donating, emailing, letter writing, calling again, blogging, sign waving, poll working, getting out the vote, calling one more time, babysitting, talking with friends, acquaintances and strangers. I'm especially proud of our youth for standing up for truth in the face of peer pressure, intolerance and some hateful exchanges.
Thank you most of all for the way you did this. You were respectful, positive and sincere. That was missing from so many interactions on
this topic. You represented yourselves, your families, our ward and the church very well.
I know that while we are relieved to have this particular challenge over, I suspect there will be something else around the corner. The
chasm between our beliefs and the beliefs of the world will continue to grow wider, and we will be faced with other challenges, with some
likely being much more difficult than Prop 8.
I hope that you gained a stronger testimony of the personal peace and blessing of knowing that you were doing what the Lord asked you to do
through his living Prophet.
Thanks again,
I was able to give about 3 hours of my time yesterday. It was not hard, I did it with my mom. We mostly sat in the lobby of a retirement home, waiting for the poll updates. As I watched the hustle and bustle, I KNEW that this is the beginning. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and outwardly Followed our Prophet. It is very humbling. I know the fight is not over, lawsuits have been filed, but I am ready to stand up, again, and do it all over again.
cleverly written by
4:07 PM
I wanted to start out the month with a Thankful post every day. I'll start today.
cleverly written by
7:01 AM
November 3, 2008
Can't wait to vote!
cleverly written by
9:13 PM
Someone else's give away!
Go HERE for a $50 Target gift card give away! Who doesn't love Target? I love this lady. I found her somewhere from someone and I just found a connection to her. I think it's because she's like who I want to be. Like so many of you are!
cleverly written by
8:34 AM
November 2, 2008
sorry, I was wet!
cleverly written by
8:04 AM