April 1, 2008

I quit

Ok, enough already. I just can't keep up with blogging. I guess my family will have to figure out what they did day to day on their own. I just can't do it any more. I don't even have time to keep up with all of your blogs. So, tearfully I bid you goodbye. :..(


the wrath of khandrea said...


you need some sofa time.

you are CRAZY if you think you can quit blogging. it always sucks you back in...

hang in there chica. just do it when you can. no stress, no pressure. my google reader will tell me when you're ready. :O)

heidizinha said...

don't leave, please.

Unknown said...

That better be a not funny April Fools joke!!

Paige said...

Nice try. For you to quit blogging you'll have to go to rehab first. Happy april fools.

D-dawg said...

Good one Hillary. You know you can't quit. None of us can.

lisamarie said...

It's like Cold Stone chocolate cake batter ice cream. You'll give it up for now, but it'll somehow find it's way back into your life. Probably sooner than later.

April Fool's or not, just think of the prairie life and go there for a few minutes. Then turn around and come on back. :)